The famous abode of Shanidev, Shingnapur is a highly-frequented religious place in Maharashtra, mostly by people who have been astrologically affected by the effect of Shani (Saturn). The idol of Shani, a five and a half feet tall black rock, stands on a simple square dais under the open sky, and, unlike other religious places it has not been housed in a temple.
One of the most interesting facts about the place is, the houses here have no doors, as it is believed that thieves, if any in the town, are aptly punished by Shanidev himself. Most houses only have curtains or a couple feet high wooden planks to keep the stray animals out. One can even see shops without doors, left wide open during the night. Civilians of Shingnapur have interesting stories, some as recent as few months old, that recount how the thieves have been punished or have astonishingly failed in their attempts, for instance, a thief trying to steal a motorcycle not being able to push it an inch.
After passing through the grand entrance, an area has been marked beyond which only men can pass. Women can remain inside a separate pavilion from where the idol of Shani is clearly visible. For the men who wish to offer oil to the Shani symbol, it is mandatory to take bath before entering the restricted area and be clad in nothing but a saffron colored cloth. It is a popular tradition to offer oil to the Shani symbol, even to bathe it in barrels full of oil. On a normal day, nearly 30,000 devotees visit the place. This number grows ten times high on the new moon day, which is believed to be the most appropriate time to please Shani.
There is heavy Rush on Saturday as this day is the day of Lord Shani.